Making the Case

We know that partners across the community can help schools and parents reduce absenteeism. But what can they do? And how can you convince them to join in? These handouts should help you persuade...
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Bright Spots in Attendance

If you’re looking for good examples of how communities are reducing chronic absence, check out the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s Bright Spots page. The Campaign, an Attendance...
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Why September Matters

Looking for an easy way to identify students who might fall behind because they miss too much school? Try looking at attendance in the first month of school. A new study from the Baltimore...
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New Poster, Badges to Promote Attendance

We’ve had some requests for materials that schools and communities can use to promote attendance all year round, not just during Attendance Awareness Month. So our design team created:  A new...
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8/6 Webinar: Amplifying Key Messages

When parents and youth understand the link between good attendance and their hopes and dreams for the future, they are motivated to do whatever they can to get to school every day. When they hear...
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New Report: Importance of Teacher Attendance

While Attendance Awareness Month is focused on student absenteeism, a new study released Tuesday by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) reveals poor teacher attendance can also be a...
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Who Can Improve Attendance?

Who is helping send the message that going to school every day matters? Beyond educators and administrators, are pediatricians involved? Your Mayor? National Service members? Local community schools...
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Research Validates 9th Grade “On Track” Work

In 2007, Chicago schools started an aggressive push to put ninth graders “on track” for graduation. That meant tackling the early warning indicators linked to dropout rate, such as course failure...
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5/28 Webinar: Enlisting Allies

Have you considered enlisting additional allies in your community’s efforts to improve attendance? While most efforts begin naturally and logically with parents and school leaders, there are a...
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Launching Attendance Awareness Campaign 2014

Attendance Awareness Month doesn’t arrive until September, but we’re launching preparations today with the release of a revised Count Us In! toolkit and a new website exclusively for...
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