Take Our Survey!

Thank you for celebrating Attendance Awareness Month. With 325 communities across the country posting their activities on the Attendance Action Map, we saw a surge of momentum as leaders rallied their communities to make attendance matter. Now that Attendance Awareness Month is over, would you do two things for us?
First, please take a moment to fill out this short survey to give us your feedback on launching Attendance Awareness Month in your community: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/M2DD66M
Your answers will help us do an even better job with Attendance Awareness Month in 2015!
Second, we invite you to show how you are turning awareness into action on our new District Data Action Map. Is your local school or district a pioneer in calculating and monitoring chronic absence? If so, let us know and we’ll map it! Together, we can make the case to state and national leaders that a growing movement of districts and communities are taking action on this urgent issue. 

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