Reach out to Absent Students and Families


Connecting with and supporting chronically absent students and their families often takes an extra shift of adults, whether they are volunteers from faith-based groups, mentors from the business world or national service members. These resources can help you organize that additional help.

A high quality, one-on-one mentoring program with supportive, caring adults can help lower chronic absenteeism and encourage youth and children to attend school regularly. Click on the links below to learn more and find resources to support development of a quality mentoring program:

School attendance teams provide a vehicle to keep track of school-wide attendance trends, as well as what’s going on with chronically absent students. September is a great time to identify students who were chronically absent in the past year or in the first month of school.

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Check & Connect assigns trained mentors to at-risk students to improve engagement with school and learning through close monitoring of their attendance, behavior, and grades.

City Year uses AmeriCorps members who commit to a year of full-time service in schools, where they work as tutors, mentors and role models. Attendance is a key focus.

RAMP: The Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program uses group, peer and individual mentoring to build on career-development efforts by schools and employers.