Notable Dates

We’ve put together a list of Attendance Awareness Month Notable Dates as we celebrate Attendance Awareness Month 2015. Send us your dates and we’ll add them:

August 12

Finish Strong webinar by Attendance Works and United Way Worldwide at 2 p.m. ET
To Sign up:

August 18

Twitter Chat with Education Nation & America’s Promise Alliance at 7 p.m. ET
Use & follow the Hashtag #toolkittalk to participate

September 1
Brief release: Mapping and Addressing the Early Attendance Gap by Attendance Works and Healthy Schools Campaign

September 9

Mapping and Addressing the Early Attendance Gap webinar by Attendance Works and United Way Worldwide at 2 p.m. ET
To Sign up:

September 16

Twitter Chat with MENTOR at 3 p.m. ET

Use & follow the Hashtag #MentoringEffect to participate

September 21

Twitter Chat with Student Voice at 8 p.m. ET

Use & follow the Hashtag #StuVoice to participate

September 24 

Twitter Chat with Healthy Schools Campaign and Data Quality Campaign at 4 p.m. ET

Use & follow the Hashtag #schooleveryday to participate

September 30

Call to Action Advertisement runs in Ed Week

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