Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are you ready for September?

Attendance Awareness Month starts next week —Tuesday, Sept. 1. Are you ready? We’ve heard from so many schools and communities about what they’re doing. If you haven’t signaled your involvement yet, here’s what you can do. Post on the Attendance Action Map: We’ve got about 200 pins now but would love to see more. This is an easy […]

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Twitter Chat on Attendance & Mentoring: 9/16

MENTOR and Attendance Works are hosting a Twitter chat on Wednesday, Sept 16, at  3 p.m. ET to discuss the connection between mentoring and attendance. A Sept 21 Twitter chat with Student Voice at 8 p.m ET A Sept. 24 Twitter chat with Healthy Schools Campaign and Data Quality Campaign at 4 p.m. ET Also, use our […]

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Notable Dates

We’ve put together a list of Attendance Awareness Month Notable Dates as we celebrate Attendance Awareness Month 2015. Send us your dates and we’ll add them: August 12 Finish Strong webinar by Attendance Works and United Way Worldwide at 2 p.m. ET To Sign up: August 18 Twitter Chat with Education Nation & America’s Promise […]

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Call to Action for Superintendents

September is Attendance Awareness Month, the perfect time for school district leaders to promote the connection between good attendance and student achievement. Several national organizations – America’s Promise Alliance, Attendance Works, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Get Schooled, Healthy Schools Campaign, Points of Light and United Way Worldwide — have come together to create a Call […]

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8/12 Webinar: Teens & the Attendance Gap

In many school districts across the country, chronic absence spikes in the transition to middle or high school. Research shows that by 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation than 8th grade test scores. How can communities address this alarming attendance gap in the later grades? Join Attendance Works and our guests from […]

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MENTOR releases attendance toolkit

Recognizing the effect that mentors have on improving school attendance and academic success, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership has released a promotional toolkit with mentoring-specific social media messages to be distributed to all campaign convening partners, collaborating partners and supporters. Download it here. Studies of formal mentoring programs have shown: Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% […]

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Spanish-Language Video for Parents

Attendance Works is now offering a Spanish-language version of its popular Bringing Attendance Home video for parents. The 6-minute video, originally released last August, has now been dubbed into Spanish. Filmed in schools across the country, the video features parents offering tips for parents and schools trying to reduce absenteeism. The video, which comes with […]

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Attendance & Summer Learning

We have long recognized that efforts to improve school attendance and extend learning into the summer are driven by the same imperative: Children from low-income families benefit from more time in engaging and rich learning activities. Attendance Works, the National Summer Learning Association and the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading recently presented a webinar about how […]

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Early Ed Materials for a Strong Start

Attendance in preschool and the early grades can be a challenge. Some children and families face problems with  health, transportation and housing that get in the way of regular attendance. Others simply don’t realize how many days their children are missing and how these absences can add up to academic trouble. Many young children are just getting […]

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Start Strong: May 13 Webinar

Did you know that chronic absence affects one in 10 children in kindergarten and first grade nationwide? And that early childhood education can lay a foundation for better attendance in the years ahead? Start Strong, a free webinar from the Attendance Awareness Campaign at 2 p.m. ET on May 13, will explore early absenteeism and […]

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