Category Archives: Uncategorized

August 15 webinar: Community Matters

When a community or school has high levels of chronic absence, it’s time to collaborate with multiple stakeholders. Local pediatricians, after school providers, sports teams, housing authorities, local agencies and more can help support the work and offer needed supports to students and families. Each school and its community partners should determine how they can […]

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May 8 Webinar: Working Together Matters

We hope you’ve already registered for our May 8 webinar, Team Up for Attendance, Working Together Matters. In this webinar we are highlighting some of the key lessons learned by those who have already developed attendance teams with school and community partners. We are encouraging schools and communities across the country to apply these approaches. […]

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This Year’s Webinar Series Explores Community-Wide Action

We are off to a strong start this year! The Attendance Awareness Campaign kickoff webinar, Leadership Matters, on March 28 attracted 1,900+ registrations! This year’s Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar series will emphasize how communities work together to improve student attendance. Our experience working with schools, districts and communities and states around the U.S. shows the […]

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Join Us and Kick Off Attendance Awareness Campaign 2018!

We are excited to join with our national partners to launch Attendance Awareness Campaign 2018! America’s Promise Alliance, Attendance Works, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Everyone Graduates Center, Get Schooled, Healthy Schools Campaign, the Institute for Educational Leadership, Mentor, Points of Light and United Way Worldwide invite you to join us as we launch the […]

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Your Feedback Wanted!

We are delighted about all of the engagement and activity we saw take place during Attendance Awareness Month this year. We saw record levels of participation: 69 national partners, 617 pins by Superintendents on the Action Map, 8,128 people registered for one of our Attendance Webinars, and we now have 9,617+ people signed up for […]

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570+ Superintendents Pledge to Drive with Data to Improve Attendance

This year a whopping 571 superintendents from school districts across the country joined our Superintendent’s Call to Action, committing to emphasize the importance of school attendance this fall and drive with data to reduce chronic absenteeism. The nationwide Call to Action drew leaders from districts large and small, located in 41 states, the District of […]

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City Year Strives to Ensure That Students Come to #SchoolEveryDay

City Year believes that when schools and partners work together, we can not only tackle chronic absenteeism but also ensure that all students — regardless of race, socio-economic status or zip code — have access to relationships with caring adults who inspire them to come to school and receive appropriate academic and social-emotional supports that help them to flourish. […]

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Mentor In Real Life Attendance Week

Mentors have powerful opportunities to inspire students. Studies show that quality mentoring can have a significant impact on improving school attendance and student success. Recognizing this, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, has released a promotional toolkit with mentoring and attendance specific social media messages. Download the toolkit here. This September, as part of the fifth […]

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Final Attendance Awareness Campaign 2017 Webinar: Portraits of Change

Join us for the final Attendance Awareness Campaign 2017 webinar as we discuss Portraits of Change: Aligning School and Community Resources to Reduce Chronic Absence, a new brief from Attendance Works and the Everyone Graduates Center. Co-authors Hedy Chang and Robert Balfanz will highlight key findings from their national and state analysis of how many […]

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Webinar: Supporting our Most Vulnerable Students

Often students who miss 9-7 days per semester, (or 10 percent or more of days) face serious hurdles in getting to school, such as ongoing health concerns, lack of a safe path to school or bullying. These students might also be involved in foster care or the juvenile justice system and could be experiencing factors […]

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